KAI is a Digital Experience platform that allows financial institutions to create branded virtual assistants and chatbots that deliver personalized, intelligent experiences across multiple channels.


KAI is trained and ready to host the humanizing experiences today’s customers demand, while intuitively opening doors to deeper customer engagements:

  • KAI comes pre-packaged with the financial skills and knowledge to create informed and effective conversations.
  • KAI understands what customers are asking and provides the right response.
  • KAI has the ability to decipher questions and goals, ask follow-up questions, and effectively manage the conversation.
  • KAI navigates the complexities of a natural conversation.
  • KAI’s intents allow for better control of the growth and flow of conversations.

Typical conversational systems rely only on a few statistical approaches, whether rule-based systems, search engines, or statistical systems to track intents and their parameters, and provide responses. KAI is different, and is trained in the language of banking and finance, while using extensive Conversational AI capabilities to deliver a truly humanizing digital experience.